Legal Practices
At Voyant Legal, we offer a variety of legal services in Utah, including estate planning, business planning, medical benefit planning, ELDER LAW and more.
Estate Planning
Our experienced Utah estate planning attorneys help you proactively plan for the wellbeing and care of your loved ones should something unexpected happen. Having the right planning in place is essential to a peaceful and stress-free transfer of your Estate to your beneficiaries. Schedule a Legacy Planning Session to learn more about estate planning that best suits you and your family.
Asset Protection Planning
The new Asset Protection Trust Law in Utah provides the opportunity to fund an irrevocable trust with your assets. This protection law and procedures can be customized in a plan that works for our clients, to help protect their assets and help to better qualify for important benefits.
Elder Law
Elder Law is an area of the law that has to do with legal issues relating to elderly individuals, their caregivers, and relatives. Our professional lawyers can help with issues relating to disability planning, medicare eligibility, guardianship/conservatorship, reverse mortgages, and more.
Business Planning
Creating your business is more than just drafting a few documents. It is a complex process that Voyant Legal can help guide you through. Our legal counsel can help you make informed decisions about setting up your bank accounts, organizing your structure to maximize your tax deductions and gaining the right types of insurance.
Child Protection Planning
Do you know what would happen to your children if the unthinkable happened to you? This is something we never want to think of, but need to plan for. Naming a guardian is an important part of a Children Protection Plan. Schedule a free consultation today to ensure your children will be taken care of in any circumstance.
Special Needs Planning
If you have a child or loved one who has special needs, it is imperative that you meet with a special needs planning attorney to protect that child’s future should something happen to you. Our Attorneys can help you create a Special Needs Trust in addition to other preparations.
VA Benefit Planning
Utah veterans should consult with a VA Benefit Planning attorney to discuss VA Pension qualifications and benefits. While the cost of assisted living and at-home care continues to rise, our Utah legal counsel can help you access the benefits that can offset these costs.
Medical Benefit Planning
Planning your medical benefits early is a great way to protect yourself against the cost of a future healthcare and/or an assisted living crisis. Whether you need help with general medical benefits or Medicaid benefits, our Medical Benefit Planning attorneys can help prepare you and your family for the future.
Advanced Estate Tax Planning
Our experienced estate planning attorneys have over 30 years of combined knowledge and experience and have seen about every type of estate plan out there. This in depth knowledge is crucial in understanding the complexities of the tax codes surrounding estate planning, and how to best plan for them.