Taylor’s Story

Taylor’s Story

Taylor’s Stor Our Podcast “Legacy Lawyers” will have some new faces (and voices). Today, we would like to introduce you to another fantastic lawyer from Voyant Legal, Taylor Stone, J.D.  William Taylor Stone III Meet William Taylor Stone III, who prefers to go...
Nathan Croxford’s Story

Nathan Croxford’s Story

Nathan’s Story In our last blog, we discussed the slightly unconventional path that our podcast host Mike Haslam took to becoming an estate planning attorney for Voyant Legal. In this blog, we delve into the story of Nathan Croxford, who discovered through his...
Mike Haslam’s Story

Mike Haslam’s Story

Mike Haslam’s Story: How I Became an Estate Attorney If you have been following our blog, you may be wondering, “Who are these people?” Well, whether or not you have been wondering that, we are going to tell you our stories. We are Mike Haslam and Nathan...
Learn About The New “Legacy IRA” Blog

Learn About The New “Legacy IRA” Blog

Learn About The New “Legacy IRA” Now being called “Legacy IRAs” a few changes set forth in the “SECURE 2.0” act have created a new way for retired individuals to give to a qualified charitable organization while possibly lowering their taxable income and decreasing...
Don’t Let Estate Fraud Happen To You Blog

Don’t Let Estate Fraud Happen To You Blog

Don’t Let Estate Fraud Happen To You In 2016, an unassuming man named Joseph Stancak was found dead at age 87 in his Chicago home. He was reclusive, had no children, and left $11 million in his bank account. He had no will, no surviving parents, and no surviving...